Wow! We have come so far together.
By now, you should have a high quality draft plan (completed in Step 23). You hopefully are starting to get constructive feedback from your Board of Advisors (Step 25). You have taken the plan to the next level by creating your Magnificent Milestones (Step 26). And you have begun identifying your support structures with your selection of an All Star Support Team (Step 27) and your scheduling of Supporting Events (Step 28) you plan to attend in 2012.
Before our final celebratory step tomorrow, I want to ask that you do just one more thing. I want to ask that you pile on even more support for yourself. You either have or will soon have your All Star Support Team and your Supporting Events. But, because life can be bumpy, I want you to add in yet a third level of support.
Your success with your plan in 2012 is as much a function of the support that you put in place as it is even the quality of your plan. Please, please, please put in place the depth of support that will enable you to quickly get back on track as soon as you fall off track. And, all of us – no matter how well disciplined we are – are capable of falling off track from time to time.
Your third level of support is to add physical items that will be constant reminders of what you have committed to accomplish in 2012.
What kinds of things will serve as an effective reminder for you? For some, it could be the creation of a dream board or vision board (a collage of images of things you want to accomplish in 2012). For others, it could be a theme song. For others, it might be the selection of a mantra that you might post in a conspicuous place.
What will work best for anyone of us is different for each of us. So, I can’t be more specific as to what to put in place as effective reminders for you.
Just to get your mind thinking of possibilities, I will share with you some of my support elements. I do so not to suggest that you should do the same. I just want you to open your mind to a wide range of support elements.
Because I am such a visual person, I carry with me a leather portfolio that has 8½ x 11 cards that are laminated (for protection because of all the use that they get) and contains key elements of my personal plan. In addition there are pages with items like my personal Success Creed, the lyrics from the song “The Prayer,” a list of Debbie Ford’s terrific Spiritual Antidotes, and a list of Dan Sullivan’s fabulous Laws of Lifetime Growth. I have a laminated listing of the phone numbers for all of my All Star Support Team. I have a listing of role models that I have chosen for each of the items of importance in my plan. And the portfolio includes depictions of some of the biz models I use to drive my various businesses. All in all, there are twenty of these double sided laminated cards. (I leave little to chance; the cards are on green stock to emphasize the “GO” image that works for me.)
When I am home, the leather portfolio sits atop the desk in my office. And, it travels with me as I crisscross the country to serve my consulting clients. The point is that my plan is not gathering dust on a shelf…I carry it with me all the time. And, I regularly study it for it is my roadmap for success.
Click HERE to continue reading the full "29th Step" article -- Pile on the Support for Your Success.
Co-host, Career Success Radio Show
A leading authority on career success; 15-year executive coaching veteran
Contact: [email protected], 239-285-5575
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