SATISFYING your clients, your manager, your team mates by getting things done on time and producing good work seems to be an acceptable goal to many.
TOP PERFORMERS, however, go WAY beyond merely satisfying their constituents .... they consistently WOW them by OVER-DELIVERING on their promises and their commitments. They clearly DISTINGUISH themselves from "the crowd" by doing MORE ... taking the extra step .... exceeding expectations .... putting "their stamp" on their work product.
Fully embrace the concept of over-delivering, and YOU will step into circle of high performers .... leaving a LASTING, enthusiastic impression of yourself on others .... creating advocates and raving fans.
Make OVER-DELIVERY a habit. What specifically can you do TODAY to over-deliver on something you've commited to or promised? Why not DO that -- whatever it is .... today?
Co-host, Career Success Radio Show
A leading authority on career success; 15-year executive coaching veteran
Contact: [email protected], 239-285-5575