Day 6 of 31 days to Creating Your Inspiring Personal Plan for 2012.
Congratulations. When you have completed this step, you will be 20% of the way through the 2012 Plan process. 20% of the way to a plan that will inspire you and serve as a guide for your accelerating your success in 2012.
Before serving-up this final element in building a foundation for your plan, I want to give you some tools to bolster that you have done in the last couple of steps. For those of you who want some addition resources for learning more about your strengths (the focus of Step 4), I highly recommend the Kolbe Index, described here, and/or the excellent test in Tom Rath’s Strength Finder 2.0. (Both of these relatively low cost assessments are used in my Accelerate Success program for high performers.)
For those who are have completed the drafting of your own planning assumptions (Step 5), I have included a copy of my own planning assumptions so that you can see how I have taken expectations or predictions about the world and molded those expectations into planning assumptions that are a solid foundation for my personal plan. My planning assumptions need not be yours…and I would not expect that they would be. I am sharing mine so you can see how planning assumptions can be massaged to provide solid support for the plan that will be developed over the month.
So let’s review what you should have in place, or shaping-up into place at this point. You hopefully have a planning buddy (Step 1) and should be using your buddy to bolster your progress through the process. And, you hopefully have a Board of Advisors selected (Step 2) and awaiting your submission of your draft plan for their feedback. You should have listed your 2011 Accomplishments (Step 3) and celebrated them.
Also, by now, you hopefully have received most of your feedback on your personal strengths (Step 4). When you have all the feedback in, you should summarize your strengths on one page as described here. And, you have a draft list of planning assumptions (Step 5) which you can now polish using my own assumptions as a guide.
Besides the aforementioned clean-up, today is a day to focus on opportunities. Specifically, Step 6 is to identify three of the best opportunities for you in 2012. This is one of the more challenging and important steps so please follow this guidance very carefully.
Click HERE to continue reading the full "6th Step" article -- Scan for Opportunities for You in 2012.
Andy Robinson, Executive Career Coach
Co-host, Career Success Radio Show A leading authority on career success; 15-year executive coaching veteran
Contact: [email protected], 239-285-5575
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